In The News

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Our work has been featured in numerous domestic and international publications, as well as many other media outlets.
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'Broken-Down' Cruisers Criticized. Lack of Investment Caused Intolerable Situation: Officials

President Aborn comments on how the US Supreme Court decision in 2022 opened the floodgates to litigation all over the country including New York.

Read the Newsday News article here

NYPD gun license delays challenged as unconstitutional

President Aborn comments on how the US Supreme Court decision in 2022 opened the floodgates to litigation all over the country including New York.

Read the Spectrum News article here

NYPD sends 200 more officers to subways safety. 

Mayor says there is more fear although subway crime fell last year.

Read the Newsday article here

Judge grants Trump's motion for stay of sentencing in NYC hush money case

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg spoke at the CCC of NYC Breakfast Lecture.

Read the NBC Local 4 report here

At UNC Pembroke, frustrations about safety reach fever pitch following shootings

A report by the CCC showed that shooting incidents near college campuses rose more than 150% and casualties more than doubled from 2001 to 2016.

Read the Border Belt Independent article here

Good gun owners unite: A new group could break the deadlock on firearm-safety laws

CCC President Richard Aborn helped launch a new nonprofit organization called 97percent.  It's an alliance of gun owners interested in responsible firearm laws that will save lives.
Read the Daily News article

Nearly a dozen in custody following 2 attacks hours apart in Times Square

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks about the attacks in Times Square that happened 2 hours apart.
Watch the interview

Caban set to deliver 'State of the NYPD' Address amid rise in felony assault, grand larceny in NYC

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks to NJ Burkett about getting crime down to pre- COVID levels.
Watch the interview

Did US homicide rate rise of fall in 2023?

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks about the drop in crime is encouraging but still need to push for "fair and effective public safety."
Read the article

Unneeded oversight overburdens cops: Be wary of the How Many Stops Act

CCC President Richard Aborn writes about City Council, Intro 586.
Read the article

Rudy Giuliani, RICO Champion, Gets Indicted on Law He Made Famous

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks to the Wall Street Journal about former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani
Read the article

NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell to Hand Out Promotions as Last Official Act

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks about NYPD Commissioner's last act.
Read the article

US Police Debate Shifts in the 3 years Since Murder of George Floyd (May 25, 2023)

CCC's President Richard Aborn speaks to the Financial Times and says, "we are still divided."
Read the article

Man Charged for NYC Subway Killing that Inflamed Tensions in Fearful City (May 12, 2023)

CCC President Richard Aborn says "It perfectly captures two sides of fear."

Read the article

Cybersecurity Conference Addresses the Threat Within (March 22, 2023)

President Aborn spoke at Fordham's Lincoln Center Conference on March 16th

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Violence Near NYC Schools Surges with Shootings, Stabbings (February 18, 2023)

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks of how guns are permeating youth culture

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Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s Stormy First Year (January 2, 2023)

CCC President Richard Aborn speaks to the Daily News.

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Backed by New State Law, Buffalo Files First Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers (December 28, 2022)

CCC President Richard Aborn heralded the law as a smart way to fight gun crime.

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CCC President Aborn on New Gun Laws for New York on Bob Herbert's Op-Ed TV on CUNY TV (September 13, 2022)

CUNY TV's Bob Herbert talks to CCC President Richard Aborn on the recent Supreme Court ruling, which struck down part of the New York's 109-year-old concealed carry law, is forcing some big changes in NYC, and what that will mean for safety in NYC, and what that will mean for the safety of the everyday New Yorker.

Watch on CUNY TV

In Depth: Fighting back against New York City's crime surge (June 24, 2022)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses New York's crime surge and growing fear in the city.

Listen to the WCVS story

Gun rights: Supreme Court brings Second Amendment to the streets (June 23, 2022)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses New York crime surge and growing fear in the city.  

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The Supreme Court Gun Ruling Could Lead to More Violence (June 23, 2022)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses the ruling by supreme court on gun law.

Read the New York Magazine article

CCC President discusses pending Supreme Court Case (June 14, 2022)

Exclusive: Sources say if Supreme Court overturns New York gun carry law, new rules could take years to implement.

Read the CBS New York article

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses fear of crime (June 7, 2022) 

More than 75% of New Yorkers worry they will be victims of violent crime: poll


Read the Daily News article

CCC President on Gun Violence: 'Congress just won't listen' (May 11, 2022)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses Congress upcoming decision.

Read the article

CCC President Richard Aborn Discusses Rise in Crime (April 6, 2022) 

Adams banked his mayoralty on public safety. Crime skyrocketed during his first 100 days in office.

Read the Politico article

CCC President Richard Aborn on Open Letter of Support for Mayor Adams (January 31, 2022)

Adams Administration Releases Open Letter Showing Broad Support for Mayor Adams' Efforts to Make New.

Read the article

CCC President Richard Aborn writes Open Letter of Support for Mayor Adams (January 31, 2022)

Mayor Adams, Releases Open Letter Showing Broad Support For His Efforts To Make NY Safer And A More Just City.

Read the Harlem World article

CCC of New York City Virtual Forum featuring Alvin Bragg, District Attorney - New York County (January 24, 2022)

A discussion with District Attorney Alvin Bragg about the slate of reforms his office is utilizing. Guests had the opportunity to present a question to the District Attorney. Moderated by Richard Aborn.

Watch the video

NYPD crime strategist 'cautiously optimistic' over fewer shootings (August 19, 2021)

CCC  President Richard Aborn discusses what the drop in shootings really means for the city.

Read the Newsday article

The Next Mayor's Challenge Checklist (August 19, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses how a new Mayor will approach crime.

Read the article

He Paid His Subway Fare. Then He Was Tasered by the Police. (July 15, 2021)

CCC President Richard Abron discusses the crack down on crime in the city.

Read the NY Times article

Rising Crime Overtakes Police Reform as Election Issue in New York, Elsewhere (June 22, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses national surge in violence impacting debate on reform.

Read the article

NYPD: Cops teaming with ATF to stem city gun violence (June 8, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discuses need for federal / city effort to reduce gun crimes.

Read the article

How to attack gun violence now (June 6, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn issues 100 day emergency plan to reduce gun violence.

Read the NY Daily News Article

Shea: Bail reforms have NYPD 'chasing our tail' (June 1, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses impact of bail reform.

Read the Newsday article

Can U.S. Policing Be Saved? (May 17, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses police oversight and discipline.

Read the Crime Report article

Mayoral Democrats Take Harder Stance On Crime After Shootings (May 13, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses how rise in shootings and murder are shaping NYC mayoral race.

Read the Crains article

Coping With the 'Crisis of Violence' (May 13, 2021)

In depth interview with CCC President Richard Aborn on crime, criminal justice reform, and crime reduction. Getting the balance right

Read the Crime Report

Revisit McCain Institute's 2021 Sedona Forum to discuss 'Defending Democracy' (June 22, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing extremism and the threat to democracy

Read the article

Could Crime Tip the Scale of the Mayoral Race? (May 19, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses impact of Times Square shooter.

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Fixing policing is a long, hard slog (April 22, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing the need for a completely redone police model.

Read the Daily News Article

Shea: NYPD needs 'tools in the toolbox' to fight crime in post-pandemic NYC (April 20, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing Police Commissioner's response to rise in crime.

Read the article

New Report Calls for Transformation of Police Forces into Police Services (April 17, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing the change from Police Force to Police Service.

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How social media slights, beefs fuel gang related violence on staten island (April 13, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing threat of rising violence to the city.

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New York City shootings, homicides continue to surge, NYPD stats say (March 29, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing the continual surge of homicides.

Read the Newsday Article

How Laws Allow the World's Largest Police Departments to Use Lethal Force (March 11, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing the need for action against use of force officers.

Read The Guardian article

New York City Sustained Its Bloodiest Year In Nearly A Decade. What Happened? (February 5, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing the rise in crime trends starting in 2019.

Read the Daily Caller

Cops and Crime in the 2021 Campaign (February 04, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses Candidates running for office in NYC need to call for reform.

Read City Limits

Max & Murphy Podcast: Balancing Police Reform and Fighting Crime (February 04, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn Interview with the Max & Murphy Radio show.

Read Gotham Gazette

Increasing Shooting Violence Correlates to Quality-of-Life Calls, NYPD Data Shows (January 29, 2021)

CCC President Richard Aborn discussing the increase of shooting violence in NYC.

Read Newsday article

NYPD's Head Count Lowest in 10 years, Officials Say (October 8, 2020)

CCC President Richard Abron discusses the state of NYPD recruitment and retirement

Read Newsday article

President of CCC of NYC talks gun violence, NYPD reform (August 31, 2020)

Richard Aborn President of CCC talks gun violence & NYPD reform

Watch the PIX11 video

Grand Juries Resume Hearing NYC Cases After Pandemic (August 12, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn talks about the lack of gun violence convictions amid rise in shootings.

Read the Newsday article

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea Says Police Make Progress Stemming Shooting Violence (August 10, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses the NYPD's response to the growth of violent crime.

Read the Newsday article

Children are Paying the Price as Gun Violence Surges Nationwide (August 7, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn talks about the importance of swiftly getting illegal guns off the streets.

Read the Article

New York AG files suit to dissolve NRA (August 6, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses the New York Attorney General's suit filed to dissolve NRA.

Read the article

African American Mayors Lay Out Plan for Police Reform Without 'Defunding' (July 27, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses significant changes that should be made for police oversight.

Read the Washington Post article

Richard Aborn Discusses CCC Of NYC, Reforming Police Training + More (July 24, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn joins the Breakfast Club to discuss reforming the police

Watch the video

De Blasio's 'Stalled' Pet NYPD Neighborhood Policing Plan Draws Outside Look (July 23, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses Mayor De Blasio getting outside consultant to look at policies.

Read The City article

Leadership, Not Finger-Pointing, Needed to Stem Rise in Violent Crime (July 22, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn discusses the need for leadership and not finger pointing during the current rise in crime.

Read the Crains article

Crime is Surging in US Cities. Some Say Defunding the Police Will Actually Make it Fall. (July 14, 2020)

New York Successfully Preventing Gun Violence By Working With Youth, Their Community.

Read the CNN article

Report from State AG Letitia James Recommends More Public Oversight of NYPD (July 8, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn comments on the need for better oversight in NYPD.

Read the Newsday article

Disbanding NYPD Plainclothes Anti-Crime Unit Gets Mixed Reaction (June 17, 2020)

Crime Commission President Richard Aborn discusses the disbanding of NYPD's Anti-Crime Unit.

Read the NY1 article

NYC to Release Police Disciplinary Information, Mayor Bill de Blasio Says (June 17, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn makes a statement about the need to move police discipline swiftly but to also protect due process rights of police officers.

Read the Newsday article

Core Truths (June 1, 2020)

CCC President Richard Aborn issues a statement "Core Truths" regarding George Floyd death and ensuing protests.

Read the CCC's President Aborn's Statement

Stephanie Ueberall featured in the Crime Report (February 27, 2019)

Background Checks Alone Won't Stop Gun Violence: Experts.

Read the article